From ScienceDaily:
Genetic elements that drive regeneration uncovered
Limb or organ regrowth may be hidden in our genes
"If you trace our evolutionary tree way back to its roots -- long before
the shedding of gills or the development of opposable thumbs -- you will
likely find a common ancestor with the amazing ability to regenerate
lost body parts."
"Lucky descendants of this creature, including today's salamanders or
zebrafish, can still perform the feat, but humans lost much of their
regenerative power over millions of years of evolution." (hmmmm)
"We want to find more of these types of elements so we can understand
what turns on and ultimately controls the program of regeneration," said
Poss (programs are designed)
A prior post here by John Sanford and genetic entropy - "the human race is degenerating at 1-5% per generation"
it's kind of a trade secret amongst population geneticists,any well
informed population geneticist understands man is degenerating"
"so in deep geological time we should have been extinct a long time ago"